At BHS Robotics we go all in for our employees - and far beyond

Welcome to BHS Robotics, where collaboration meets innovation. We foster a culture of continuous improvement and shared success, driven by our openness to make change happen. Explore your curiosity, bring your passion and develop your skills as we shape the future of automation together.

Make Change Happen!

We are bold and strive to constantly innovate and move forward! We provide the best opportunities for all who are open to change, strive to get ahead and make a difference!

BHS Robotics provides you the opportunity to start a career, move up – and always learn something new, advance, and discover the world in the process. Provided that, in addition to your knowledge and skills, you also bring along a zest for action and plenty of desire for change. 

man and woman planning
Family spending time on the outside

The Best of Both Worlds

BHS World is both a family-run business and international market leader. For our employees, this means solidarity and security – and at the same time, diverse opportunities to change yourself and us, help shape our success and pursue career excellence.

We think and act person to person.
Not only do we see the individual employee and his or her performance. We also see the person behind it, their situation in life and personal needs. BHS Robotics is particularly family-friendly – and will be there for each. and every one of them. 

Training and Education

Are you looking for more variety in your job? Are you interested in developing yourself personally? Advance your career? Deepen your expertise and skills? Through systematic development and continuous education planning, BHS Robotics supports your desire for your own personal change – and advancement. 

Mechanics fixing the engine of a van


We go above and beyond – because you are important to us. We want you to feel at home at BHS Robotics, get involved and achieve your goals, as an individual. 

Grow Your Career

Do you want to make change happen? Come and join us to develop and grow!